

Today is my 32nd birthday.

Approaching this birthday, it felt like a big one- a little scary. I had no trouble with 30, but 32 feels like I am in my 30s. Mid-30s.  30 is just over the line from one's 20s. 32 is in it.

But here we are and it's not really scary at all. I took a look around and it turns out I'm exactly where I want to be and where I'd hoped to be at this point in my life.

I have an amazing partner in life who makes me laugh and makes me brave.
We have a sweet and spunky daughter who has an endless supply of hugs and kisses to give.
We have our own home that is a cozy, comfortable work-in-progress, where we laugh and play records and gather with the people we love for meals and conversation.
I am surrounded by a supportive, loving, and fun circle of friends and family.
I have a career I enjoy, and I'm able to work less-than-full-time outside the home- something I'd always hoped would work out during the "raising young children" phase of my life.
In the past year, we have traveled as a couple and as a family (and we have plenty more travel in the year ahead- as a couple and as a family).

This morning, my kid sang me 'happy dirthday' and stated that "today is Mommy's white birthday. Next year is Mommy's pink birthday." (????). Last night she told me about sleeping waterfalls.

A 25-year-old co-worker told me that I "seem much younger than 32".  I had no problem with that statement.

So, hello 32. It's nice to meet you - you're not so scary. I think we're going to have a great year together.

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